Whose Story Are You Living, Anyway?
We live our life through our stories. But the question is, "Whose Story Are You Living, Anyway?" I’m in the 2nd month of The Quest, a year-long program with Lou Reed of the Energy Medicine Institute in Australia. It’s truly a wonderful process that is so aligned with...
Healing Your Female Victim Shadow (It’s not about being Wonder Woman)
Reclaiming my own female victim shadow has been a lifelong process. And turning into Wonder Woman is only the first step to get there. Does this image of the women above make you uncomfortable? See if this resonates with you... Blind Spots... our doorway to...
Your Sacred Dance of Male-Female Energetic Principles
When I came across information discussing the male – female energetic principles, I realized that I knew this but had pretty much forgotten it. I think it helps so much to see who we are as human beings with both of the male – female polarities operating in us. One is...
Your Chakras & Personal Power-Which Ones Hold the Key?
The key to your chakras & personal power goes much deeper than meditating and visualizing in your upper chakras. Let's start at the beginning... Your chakras are energy centers in your body that are actually different levels of consciousness. They deal with...
Inner Leadership – What Does That Mean?
Inner Leadership... What Does That Mean? & what do women need to heal to be the leaders they came here to be? Inner leadership is you leading yourself first. It’s being responsible for your full-on life, your emotions, thoughts feelings actions. And when you are...
Life IS Woo Woo – And You Are a Magician
I just finished working with a coach for the past three months. It was truly life changing for me. One of the biggest surprises was how important it was to be guided to see both kinds of my blind spots. Now we usually think of a blind spot as those self-sabotaging...
Women on a Mission: Meet Your Inner Partner in Creativity, Power, & Leadership