Anita Puksic sent me an email saying:

“This was one of the most amazing pdf-s I ever received! I went through it, took notes, had aha moments, made a word collage in my online journal from the words you provided. It’s just freaking amazing.

And I read your sales page for the program and even more gold there.”

Find out for yourself~

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Women Entrepreneurs on a Mission

artists, healers, coaches, spiritual messengers & visionaries

I invite you to Meet Your Sacred Masculine
Your Partner in Women’s Power & Leadership

In your free guide, you’ll see how his sacred energy ~ that already lives inside you but you might have pushed it away ~ is waiting to serve and support your feminine creativity and intuition.

After 45 years working for and promoting women’s empowerment, this was a huge wake-up call for me.

In this free guide you’ll discover:

  • Who your Sacred Masculine is for you as a woman
  • What you lost by cutting off his energy
    (Whether you’re a high achiever who’ve heard you’re “too masculine”, or you’ve been hiding out and playing small, there are ways you likely cut off your Sacred Masculine energy… and it’s costing you.)
  • How he can help you step into your leadership
    (In fact, his job is to support, protect, and serve your feminine creativity).
  • What happens when you welcome your masculine energies to partner with your feminine to stand in wholeness.


  • Create your own Sacred Masculine Word Collage
  • A fun, simple way to meet your unique Sacred Masculine