In today’s article we reach the final King Archetype of the Sacred Masculine for Women. See how the Lover, Magician, and Warrior masculine archetypes relate to us as women. For they all tie together.

The point behind each of these articles is to invite you to open up to the energies inherent within that archetype. You have these parts in your psyche and you can be in touch with them, create a partnership with them to use for your own growth and fully developed Self.

Or …

You can ignore, repress, and judge them in a negative light because they represent the parts of yourself you don’t want to look at. When we can see, first of all, that these are in us as women… and then how these operate within us, we can stop projecting our fears and emotions outward onto other people.

I believe this time of awakening is asking us to see and embrace the beauty and power of both our masculine and feminine selves. We all have both inside us, for it is the very nature of the universe.

This information comes from the book, King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine by Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette.

Based on Carl Jung’s work, their intention is to lead men into a greater understanding of these archetypes for themselves. But I see how useful this is to help women see these masculine energies… these qualities and characteristics that we need to embody within ourselves for our own wholeness.

We’ll talk about the shadow sides of each archetype in future articles.

What Does Your King Energy Bring to Your Psyche?

In this archetype, the king energy is what is important, not so much the person who holds that title.

“The mortal man who incarnates the King energy… is almost an interchangeable part, a human vehicle for bringing this ordering and generative archetype into the world and the lives of human beings.”

The King energy has two primary functions:

  • Ordering
  • Providing fertility and blessings

“The function of the King energy, through a mortal king, is to embody for the people of the realm this ordering principle of the Divine World. The human king does this by codifying laws. He makes laws, or more accurately, he receives them from the King energy itself then passes them on to his nation.”

Symbolized by a square divided into 4 quarters with the king at the center, “all of creation radiates in geometrical form out to the very frontiers of the realm.” This mandala form shows up not only throughout the ancient world from Rome and Olympus to Chinese, Native American, and Egyptian civilizations… but also in the dreams and visions of psychiatric patients. Whenever mandalas appeared, “they always signified renewal. They showed that the personality was reorganizing in a more centered way, becoming more structured and calmer.” 

From his position at the center, the king can survey what is going on and see the overall picture. This grounded, centered energy keeps him stable no matter how chaotic the outer situation might be. From this he acts, rather than reacts.

Structure Gives Freedom

In his ordering aspect, he provides a structure for all to flourish. He creates the container, a riverbed so to speak, to channel the feminine creative energy so it’s not flooding the banks and destroying the crops.

For the mortal king to truly bring order to his kingdom though, he must live according to “Right Order.” The Tao, Dharma, or even the 10 commandments are other ways humans have expressed this idea. The king must walk his talk, in other words. When he lives by example within Right Order, the kingdom will flourish. When he abandons those principles, his realm falls into chaos.

Living according to Right Order also means the king has integrated the other three mature masculine archetypes of; the warrior in his protector role, the magician in his deep knowing and the lover in his delight in all of life.

Manifesting fertility and blessings
The second primary function of king energy

I’ve spent many years within a woman’s ritual circle, honoring the Goddess in all her forms, including her role as the one who gives birth. But I also see how much of that energy was reacting against what we saw as males taking over the divine feminine. While that did happen… I mean we’ve lived under this patriarchal model for several centuries now, it’s time to grow past that either / or thinking. Staying stuck there will only continue the battle that rages inside us and in the outer world.

How can we welcome this role of masculine fertility?

I’m now loving the idea of the male energy as the Seed-Planter. The idea generator. The partner to the woman’s inspirational, creative role. She represents the oceanic Oneness of consciousness and he comes and plants a seed of particularity… of this idea, this project, this focus and these actions. They need each other. And the more they honor and work together inside the psyche, the more abundant the outcome.


The king is also charged with giving Blessings to his people. Think about how you feel when someone sees you, recognizes you. This kingly energy is meant to build people up, to have them see the best parts of themselves and to know that they are noticed.

The word Encourage is important here. When you’re operating from the fullness of your king energy, the voices in your head give you courage to step into your own greatness. “What if you try it this way?” instead of those shadow voices of self-doubt, “That’ll never work! Why bother?”

What Are Other Kingly Qualities to Embody?

Decisive… he acts as the executive, the one who decides on a course of action. After weighing all the facts, he can make a solid decision and move forward from there without a lot of back and forth indecision.

Integrity … the king does what he says he’ll do. He follows through on his word and takes responsibility for his thoughts and actions.

Mentor to others … he understands the importance of passing on his knowledge and experience to others and relishes the role of mentor to those who will get the most out of it.

Leaving a Legacy … There are many ways to leave a legacy that don’t involve building pyramids or cathedrals. What does the king energy in you wish to pass on to future generations?

Leader… king and leader seem synonymous but the question is what kind of a leader will he be?

What does this king energy have to do with you as a woman?

Here are a few questions to ask yourself…

How “ordered” is your realm? Both internally on a psychological level and in your outer world of family and especially in your business?

I’m not talking about rigid rules and regulations… that is moving over to the shadow tyrant side of king energy. Are you centered, grounded in your body? Or do you spend a lot of time spinning around in your mind, filled with ideas that lead nowhere?

Do you have a clear structure in your business? Or are you still winging it day to day?

Is perfectionism keeping you from taking clear, consistent actions?

Are you blinded with shiny objects, jumping from one program to the next, all the while thinking, “If I just take this class, then I’ll get more clients. I’m sure of it!”

What if you could develop a deep relationship with your own inner king energy?

Can you see how welcoming his talents and gifts would help guide you to a greater sense of integrity. A centered wholeness where all the parts of you are on board for you to actually use their energy for you. Where you’re not resisting parts of yourself out of old patterns of hurt and fear? And as you become more aligned within yourself, what is your legacy? What will you leave behind of lasting value?     

What does this bring up for you? Share your thoughts below.


A Note About the Artwork:

This magazine collage was created using the message I received from the first dialogue I had with my inner King. He told me: “Do not be afraid of my energy. You have never truly known a Sacred King in your life, so you are doubtful. I understand. You, though, can call on my energy at any time to Be There for you. I am there to provide your sacred spaced for your beautiful feminine gifts to channel out to the world. It is time to be responsible for yourself and we can do that together.” 


Click the link if you’d like to know more about my Make Peace With Power ~ Leadership Playground. And be sure to download your free guide below: Meet Your Sacred Masculine- Your Partner in Women’s Creativity, Power & Leadership.


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Women on a Mission: Meet Your Inner Partner in  Creativity, Power, & Leadership