I invite you to truly honor, celebrate and appreciate the strength and clarity of your Magician archetype for women through your sacred masculine

In these inquiries into your archetypes from the masculine energetic perspective, my aim is to bring out the qualities that are here to serve you on your walk through the human lifetime, whether you are a man or a woman.

These are inspired by the work of Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette in King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine. See The Lover archetype here.

Each of the archetypes act together. None of them fully function on their own. They cooperate and enhance each other’s qualities. A full discussion would include the shadow sides of each archetype, as well as the corresponding sacred feminine archetypes. Those will come in future articles.

The more I delve into all this, the more I’m able to tease out the subtle distinctions between my male and female energies.

I know you’re thinking, “Why in the world do I need to do that? I’m a woman, so what the heck difference does it make?” Or I hear, “Oh I’m really comfortable with my male side. I don’t think this really applies to me.” And meanwhile she just keeps pushing herself harder and harder.

Well in the past, when I was quite focused on doing everything from my feminine side… you know, the Wonder Woman syndrome… I finally realized I was just burning her out. She is not meant to do all those things on her own.

There’s also a strong message coming to the forefront lately that we’re supposed to stop Do-ing and start Be-ing. While there is truth to that mainly because we’re so often out of balance, and we could discuss this in more depth… what I see in it is a subtle message to devalue our male energy.

My point is We Need to Consciously Celebrate Both our Masculine and our Feminine Selves. It’s not an either / or thing at all.

All of consciousness is a sacred dance of both masculine and feminine energies. Unity Begins Within.

Your Magician Archetype for Women Through Your Sacred Masculine 

The Magician is the Knower. His realm is secret and hidden knowledge of all kinds. He’s also the master of technology. In his role as shaman and ritual elder, he uses various rituals and initiations to “guide the process of transformation, both within and without.”

“All knowledge that takes special training to acquire is the province of the Magician energy. Whether you are an apprentice training to become a master electrician and unraveling the mysteries of high voltage; or a medical student, grinding away night and day, studying the secrets of the human body and using available technologies to help your patients; … you are in exactly the same position as the apprentice shaman or witch doctor in tribal societies. You are spending large amounts of time, energy, and money in order to be initiated into rarefied realms of secret power. You are undergoing an ordeal testing your capacities to become a master of this power. And, as is true in all initiations, there is no guarantee of success.”

Now just stop and consider what your life would be like without using his Magician energies. I imagine nearly all of you reading this were trained in some profession. You went to university to study a body of knowledge that gave you information that others outside that field did not have. And that knowledge lets you serve people in some way and give yourself a sense of accomplishment… of mastery.

Then think about all the ways you continued that quest for knowing through your own self-study. If you’re running a business you must have a ton of programs you’ve taken to hone your craft… to learn marketing and sales… and all the other hats you wear. If you work in a company, you’ve moved through many levels each one requiring new skills. How about a hobby you enjoy? Didn’t you pour hours into learning about it?

Can you appreciate the richness the Magician brought into your life?

“He also understands the connections between the unseen world of the spirits – the Divine World – and the world of human beings and nature.”

He’s the bridging man who travels between the worlds and in that capacity is vital for a fully functioning woman. When she cuts off this energy, she gets lost, spinning around in her head.

“This secret knowledge, of course, gives the magician an enormous amount of power. And because he has knowledge of the dynamics of energy flows and patterns in nature, in human individuals and societies, and among the gods – the deep unconscious forces – he is a master at containing and channeling power.”

The Magician lives in the realm of modern physics and depth psychology where we learn that the material world we see is not at all what it seems to be. There are hidden worlds within both nature and ourselves that we’re really only now beginning to explore and understand. And much of that information is confirming what mystics have said for centuries. That all is consciousness manifested into form.

His ability to contain and channel power is one we both fear and admire in ourselves and others. Being the master of technology, we have countless examples of ways his energy brought us life-and- time-saving benefits. Yet when not contained and channeled for the good of all, his instruments of death and destruction are equally numerous.

Part of your Magician’s job is using your specialized knowledge in the right way. If you’re coaching or healing or teaching someone, you must be aware how much information to give at any time. You see a client’s situation from a broader perspective than they do. And you can inadvertently open up doors in the psyche that will be too much for them to handle. Knowing how to contain and channel the energy you might have unleashed is an important part of your work.

Another aspect of this is knowing about and creating sacred space when working with energies. We do this in simple ways when we introduce our topic at the beginning of a presentation or class lesson. And in more conscious ways when we set an intention and create a boundary around a coaching session for example.

“Sacred space is the container of raw power, the ‘step-down transformer’ that insulates and then channels the energies that are drawn into it. It is the reactor shield in the nuclear power plant.”

The Magician Archetype as the Aware Ego

We wouldn’t be here without an ego. And contrary to what some schools of thought say, I don’t believe we need to get rid of it, transcend it, or that it’s some sort of evil force out to get us.

It might be hijacked by shadow energies but that’s our task to welcome them back home to ourselves.

The Magician archetype governs your Aware Ego. This is the part of you that can stand back and observe. Some call it the Silent Witness. This ability to be detached, at the still point, taking in information from both outside and inside of you and weighing all that, making a clear decision is the province of your Magician.

“It knows the enormous force of the psyche’s inner dynamics and how to channel them for maximum benefit. … the Magician pattern regulates the internal energy flows of the various archetypes for the benefit of our individual lives.”

The Magician is the deep thinker, one who can see into a problem and pull out the solution where others can’t. However, he cannot take action on his own. He works through the Warrior energy for that. But his thoughtful reflection is grounded, stable, centered and emotionally detached. He’s not easily pushed and pulled in all different directions.

Can you not see how helpful that is at times?

It’s simply one aspect of who you are. We’ve often come to see this detached quality of the masculine in a negative light. Yet it truly is a strength available to you when you need to make a careful, wise, yet tough decision.

Access your inner space through meditation or a ritual and be in touch with your Magician. His energy can help you see clearly what your next steps are.

Like the shaman in traditional societies, your Magician energy is a healer… “the one who restored life, who found lost souls, and who discovered the hidden causes of misfortune. He was the one who restored wholeness and fullness of being to both individuals and communities.”


** King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine by Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette, 1990

A note about the art work… when we work together you’ll get to play with this kind of art too. It’s not about “making great art”. It’s all about letting yourself explore and see what shows up. I love magazine collages because you don’t have to know how to draw or paint… everybody can cut and paste. It’s fun.

Click the link if you’d like to know more about my Make Peace With Power ~ Leadership Playground. And be sure to download your free guide below: Meet Your Sacred Masculine-

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