If I could speak from my heart of hearts, I would say that I am honored to be here. Honored to have you be here reading these words from me. 

I’d say how much I want to be of service and how long I’ve been in hiding, pretending that I am not powerful. That no one will want to hear what I have to say. And I would also admit that sometimes I get lost in the other side of that coin and think I know answers to things, to life’s questions that are only intellectual understandings, not lived reality.

So in other words, I am on this journey of living my life to the best of my ability as much as you are. My own personal commitment is to keep exploring, keep revealing, keep letting go of masks and defenses and places inside that hurt. So I can stand fully and truly in my wholeness – that never was not there – only I get confused and sometimes believe that to be a truth.

I am here to challenge you as well as be challenged by you 

I’m here to own my truth, own my power, own my beauty, own my falsehoods, own the defenses and pretenses so I can stand here before you in the All of Me. 

To allow myself to feel the joy and the pleasure and the shame and the embarrassment and the guilt of past so-called crimes that my ego wants me to believe I have committed. To stand back as my own silent witness. To watch with an open heart, with such utter compassion and love for who I think I have to be, to watch her sometimes painfully slowly and other times with amazing speed… release the layers of gunk, garbage, crap she still carries around.

And my job, as I see it, is to be your guide so you can do the same. For only you know the truth for your own soul. Yet … we cannot see our own blindspots and a guide can show the way.

My explorations into this issue of power and how we fear it, abuse it, are abused by it, and witness others misusing it are all here to wake us up. To wake us up to the utterly stunning beings of light that we are.

I am not about Rah-Rah-Feel-Good, You’re-Only-Allowed-To-Think-Positive that seems so prevalent in the personal development arena.

Our deeper truths lie in the darkness and as we shine the light on that darkness, the illusion of that being something to fear is revealed. Those scary monsters in the basement dissolve in our larger truth. And that can happen in an instant.

Is it scary? Yes, it can be.

Does it take courage? Courage to not only “look at” – because you’ve probably been “looking at” your “story” for years – yes, it takes courage to FEEL INTO your Feelings and RELEASE them. To shift the Energy in the story you are telling yourself, so it is transformed.

This is what I’m here to do for you… through my articles, my coaching, my future retreats and group programs and videos.

In the Human Design system, I am what’s called a Reflector. The mirror I hold up for you sees underneath your stories and old patterns and reflects back your truth shining underneath.

Does this mean it’s all dark and heavy? No. Not at all.

In fact, that’s probably the part you’re most missing… the playful, creative side of you who longs to giggle and laugh and see the ultimate humor in life. And, in truth, this is the side of myself I also need to call out more often as well.

These first few blog posts came from my other website called Linda Kaun ~ The Power of You. You might have a look at past articles there.

I’m now shifting into a new awareness and a calling around guiding women to come into alignment with both their masculine and feminine sides. That means welcoming the Sacred Masculine energy and feeling into his presence inside your body. And… healing / releasing the wounds from the defended masculine part of you. This allows these two beautiful masculine – feminine energies inherent in you to actually be the partners they are meant to be.

Your tribe is waiting for. Let’s get started.

In light and love





