If you’re a woman who’s afraid embracing your sacred masculine will make you be more aggressive, here’s a message my own guide Josh shared with me. 

It’s Time to Redefine the Masculine.

It’s Josh. I am your soul guide to bring forth this truth of how your masculine energy was corrupted from eons of time – corrupted for all of you – men and women alike. It is time now in this next stretch of your humanity’s journey to redefine the masculine and see what it’s truly all about. You are playing a pivotal role in this – you and many others like you, but really you are chosen for this task from your own life experience through many lifetimes actually.

For the woman who feels afraid she will suddenly be so aggressive… this is such a key piece.

All of you think or associate the masculine with aggression, with taking over, with dominance. But all of those are only the masculine operating from his own shadow sides. All of you will have a hand in recreating / re-understanding / reinventing / reflecting and calling into being a whole new masculine – the balanced masculine. Many men have been working with this for some time now as well. But not so much the women yet.

This is your task, your calling and we are all here to help guide you into it so you can make known and make it clear what you mean…

How important it is for women to see and feel and understand the power of their fully aware, fully balanced male and female sides. Those individuals who we can say have embodied an Aware Ego are already in this knowing. But for the rest of you… it is now coming into form.

This is the sacred dance of masculine and feminine

It happens inside each of you. To simply categorize this as say, for example, the chalice and the blade is not accurate. It was necessary as a first step to have women break the bonds of disempowerment. Many of you did exactly that. But now is a new awareness of yet another layer, another level of consciousness that is so far beyond that.

It is time for all of you to have a part in opening up to a new definition of masculine – one that is not just telling men to open up to their feelings. It goes beyond that. The book you will use [King, Warrior, Magician, Lover] is a wonderful foundation and I hope you will not second guess it. (This is his message to me as I prepare my new class.)

Yes, have the women self-determine what they need for their own development. This is not a cookie cutter formula here. The nuances of, first of all, the masculine and what it means to be – as the authors speak of – a mature masculine – are a huge step in opening this up for men. But to have the next level of that awareness be how each of you – men and women – see it is truly a sacred dance between these beautiful energies will shift so much for so many. Do not be afraid you will be criticized or condemned. You might be. But that is only fear speaking.

And for those women not ready to hear this yet – that too is ok.

You yourself were not ready for a long time. And so just keep sharing what these realizations are for you…

How when women can open up to this high level energy of the masculine, they have an inner partner that suddenly feels so different from trying to do all that on their own.

Yes, they have their external partner to be with them. They are afraid we are saying you don’t need anyone else. And at some level, that’s a truth. For it begins to switch from needing someone to standing in your own fullness of your power, your strength, your clear, decisiveness of your masculine attributes in communion with your beautiful creative force of the feminine.

You will begin to understand both within your mind as an intellectual idea, in your body physically feeling the two energies at play, and in your heart as you can distinguish between the  two kinds of energies and you’ll see how this dance moves in and out and back and forth endlessly.

And then when you join with another human being in partnership you are two fully functioning, mature adults who can play and complement each other joyfully – not out of need.

If that is not happening, you’ll be able to sense the distortions, the frictions, the rough edges as the two energies try to play with each other and they are not… you’ll be able to look and ask questions and see where the blocks, the old stories, the filters of doubt or arrogance are playing out- and they can be released without a whole lot of drama and trauma.

You’ll stop projecting your own distortions on your partners and own your own pain so you can release it.

Are you up for this journey? To release your old stories and create a new one? 


Click the link if you’d like to know more about my Make Peace With Power ~ Leadership Playground. And be sure to download your free guide below: Meet Your Sacred Masculine-


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Women on a Mission: Meet Your Inner Partner in  Creativity, Power, & Leadership