Today I want to talk about my own calling to leadership. In this last post, I talk about the 4 stages of answering your call to leadership; Disruption, Hearing, Acceptance and Commitment. 

On Being Called…


During a group energy medicine session in 2017, I had a big wake-up call. When I saw that the two sides of my body were not communicating with each other at all, I thought, “That’s weird! How come my hands are not at all in synch?”

I knew the right side of our body is our masculine energy and the left is feminine and up to then, I thought I was pretty balanced.

Then a woman in the group said, “It’s like you don’t have an active Sacred Masculine. His energy forms the container for your feminine creativity to go out to the world.”

What did that mean!!??

Even though I can be highly analytical, I’d been so focused on all things female for so many years, I didn’t realize I’d literally cut off the higher masculine qualities inside me. I had no idea I was operating out of my wounded masculine energies. At that point, I didn’t know I had wounded masculine energies!

No question though… I was officially DISRUPTED.

HEARING the Call:

It shook me up. For the previous 45 years, I was so involved with the women’s movement, with a goddess ritual circle, with a point of view that was sure the time of the Divine Feminine is at hand. Suddenly all that was under question.


I started researching, reading, meditating about it, paying more attention to my body and my reactions to things. Step by step I was pulled into this new orbit. I took baby steps to write about it in my newsletter… feeling my way as I went along.

The more I studied, the more it made sense.

At the highest level, everything is pure energy. But in the 3rd-dimensional realm, the universe is made up of these masculine-feminine polarities. We often talk about yin-yang principles. That sounds pretty neutral… nothing to get upset about.

But I found as soon as I asked women to welcome back their own sacred masculine energy into their own body?

Well, that was a whole different story!

From just staring at me like I was totally nuts… to indifference … to “Oh, I have a lot of male energy so I don’t have any problem with this” … to “NO Freaking Way! I do Not want to hear anything about this. I am not welcoming anything having to do with male energy into me. That’s their problem, not mine!”

I felt like I was on to something big.

I know the healing needed to bring the planet to a higher consciousness absolutely begins within.

These two channels of energy are in us already. So the question is, are we in alignment with them or not?

If we’re not, then we’re always in Reaction Against a Part of Ourselves! We are essentially at war inside ourselves and most of us have no idea that’s going on.

My dance of acceptance felt like it was taking way too long. The push-pull energy of two steps forward and six back wore me out.

Is this really the message I came here to bring? Why me? I’m not sure this is the time for it yet… on and on I danced with my doubts. Feeling embarrassed and yes, ashamed, that I couldn’t seem to move my business forward. Totally not understanding that I simply hadn’t gotten to the final stage on my inner path. 

Till one afternoon at the end of a 3-day event I was at in Los Angeles recently, when I quietly felt my whole body shift into a new awareness. I was suddenly…


I crossed over a threshold. There’s no turning back now.

If you’re a woman who knows you’re called to be a leader, a way-shower … but you’re still dancing between acceptance and commitment, I’m here to be your guide to making friends with power.

It’s my experience that a key element holding you back is your ambivalence to power and your relationship to your masculine – feminine energies.

Living your life on a sliding continuum between feeling powerful and powerless is exhausting. It’s time to bring the two warring sides of you together so you can align with your true power.

Here’s two ways to get started:

Discover more about my Make Peace With Power ~ Leadership Playground then fill out the application for a deep one-on-one conversation with me to clarify your own vision of leadership for your business.

And be sure to download your free guide below, Meet Your Sacred Masculine, Your Inner Partner in Women’s Creativity, Power & Leadership.


What does this bring up for you? Share your thoughts below.

Like my Facebook page and connect with me on LinkedIn. I’ve been spending more time on LinkedIn and love the connections I’m making there. Come on over and join me.



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Women on a Mission: Meet Your Inner Partner in  Creativity, Power, & Leadership