Are You Still Dancing Between Accepting Your Calling to Be a Leader in Your Business and
Truly Committing to It?

Read on to discover the four stages of working through your big calling and how you can get some help to do that.

There are many callings we experience in our lives… the calling for a particular mate, a career, whether or not to have children.

Here I’m speaking to those of you who feel a calling to set up a business so that you can not only share your particular message, skills and gifts with the world… but to be a Leader to a group of people who are waiting for you to step into your leadership role.

This feels very different from “choosing a niche,” seeing what the market wants, deciding on a “product” to meet that need and putting up a website. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with that… it’s just that I’m talking about a deeper soul calling… a longing you feel pulling you to stand for something bigger than yourself.

Here Are the 4 Steps on Your Inner-Path Calling You for Something More…

1. Disruption

You’re hit with the proverbial 2 x 4.

Sometimes major… death of a loved one, losing a job, divorce, bankruptcy, illness…

Sometimes just a nudge… restlessness, feeling unfulfilled, unhappy, bored, depressed… what the heck is going on you ask?

2. Hearing the Call

Hmmm that’s interesting, it’s the third time this week I saw something about that…  a hobby starts pulling you in deeper and deeper… new patterns show up … a friend gives you a book that opens you up to new way of seeing.

3. Accepting the Call

This is where all your doubts and fears kick in big time.

In fact, your calling is designed to bring up your fears – so that you can work through them. It’s a process that might take months … or even years.

You feel this calling pulling you forward, yet … you’re still looking to others to give you permission to proceed. You’re afraid of their approval or disapproval, their judgments and fears. Your own inner critic voices are also loud and nasty.

Gradually, you come to a state of acceptance. 

“Yes! This is the message I’m meant to bring out. The path I’m meant to follow. I am the one who is meant to share it. I’m ready to stand in my own truth and know I’ll be ok. I don’t need to know all the details. I don’t need to have the map all laid out at the beginning. I just know that this inner urging is not going away.”

But here’s the thing …

You Have to Choose Your Calling Back!

If you feel like this “thing” has taken you over, that you have no choice in being called, or you’re supposed to do this … then you’re setting yourself up for a battle. You move into your victim role and instead of answering your calling, you’ll sabotage it at every turn.

Can you relate to this? I sure can!

The task at this stage is to come into a new relationship with the parts of you that Do NOT want to accept this calling.

Your old stories about who you are and what you’re capable of must shift and evolve into a new picture of possibilities. And if you are called to be a Leader… then for sure you’re also being called to come into a new relationship with power.

Until that happens you know you “should” send those emails or call that person or get your social media calendar set up… and you don’t. Your vision is not aligned with your actions. And you don’t understand why you’re avoiding the actions you know you need to take.

All that sinks you further into feeling like a fraud, and it’s a vicious circle of planning, not following through, listening to your inner critics and feeling bad.

4. Commitment

One day, you reach a point of declaring, “OK… I’m IN.”


It’s a declaration and a surrendering at the same time.

You’ve worked through the levels of acceptance and come to realize this whole thing really isn’t about you at all. You’re in service to a greater calling. And through that commitment, your actions finally come into alignment with your calling. You stop second-guessing every move and trust that the path will open up as you step onto it.

You know your message isn’t for everyone and that’s ok. You stop listening to well-meaning friends who tell you no one is really ready to hear what you’re talking about. You’re too far ahead of the times. Better you tone it down, call it something more palatable.

But your deeper inner voice is saying that’s the whole point! You are a Leader With a New Message and the ones who are meant to hear you are also Way-showers… Lighthouses… Visionaries… Messengers. We are here to support each other on the path to a whole new awakening on the planet. And if you don’t call it by name, how will anyone know what you’re all about?

Now here’s the kicker that really amazed me when I heard it.

In the Acceptance phase, you’re immersed in your feminine energies. Receiving information, listening to your heart, trusting your own inner wisdom. All these activities are going on in the background of your awareness as you move through this process.

In the Commitment phase, you must step into your masculine energy. To make a true Commitment … to Decide … is to take Action. Without that energy behind it, there is no real commitment. It’s just another idea, a promise that you may or may not keep.

Where are you on this continuum of acceptance and commitment?

I’m here to be a guide for women who are ready to step over that threshold from accepting to committing. So much of that journey is coming into a new relationship with your personal power. And for me, that means looking into your partnership with your inner masculine and feminine energies. 

Let’s talk. Contact me to set up a time to explore what your leadership vision is. Your tribe is waiting for you.


(With acknowledgment and thanks to my mentor Jeffrey Van Dyk for clarifying these steps.)


What does this bring up for you? Share your thoughts below.

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Women on a Mission: Meet Your Inner Partner in  Creativity, Power, & Leadership