Who is Your Sacred Masculine for Women Lover- Archetype in His Fullest Expression?

Why is this even relevant to you as a woman?

I’m exploring the sacred masculine for women lover-archetype here but…

First… a little background introduction…

A quick look at the chaos playing itself out in the world tells us major shifts are happening. We’re not quite sure what we’re shifting to though.

Possibilities abound.

From George Orwellian visions of mind control to the spiritual new agers views of love and light. It’s all a big simmering and sometimes boiling-over stew right now. And it’s calling all of us to really come Home to our deepest self.

We’re watching the end of the system of dominance of one group over another acted out on the larger screen of the world … as well as the inner workings of our own hearts and minds. The overarching struggle is a shift from an out of balance male dominant model to one of cooperation between, and mutual honoring of, both our masculine and feminine energies.

Is it a smooth, easy transition? Absolutely not! Which makes us all the more in need to get clear within ourselves so we are not Reacting to the events we see in the world and experience in our daily lives.

After being a firm believer in and cheerleader for the rise of the new age of the Sacred Feminine for the past 45 years, I see it differently now.

It’s more complex than that.

In my younger years especially, I did fall into the trap of blaming many of the ills of the world on men. Yet I also believed none of us were taught how to be fully realized human beings. Why? Because the very structure and system itself is a dysfunctional madhouse.

The call for a new definition of masculine goes far beyond women’s push to have men “get more in touch with their feelings.” And yes, this is work they need to take on for themselves.

So what does the Sacred Masculine have to do with us, as women? And why am I so focused on this topic?

Because we are inextricably intertwined as male-female energies. And unless we explore the places inside us where we’re either fighting against – or repressing – either one of those energies, we end up projecting our anger outward or turning it against ourselves.

I really did not want to look at this at first. Now I’m so curious to see how these two spirits are dancing within me… and how I can make them both be at home there.

This quote from a channeled reading from Yeshua says it so beautifully.

“Despite the inequality of the sexes that is still present in your society, the rise of the female energy is unstoppable. However the female energy cannot gain full strength and vitality without cooperation with the male energy. This goes for the collective level as well as the individual.

The female energy cannot make its final breakthrough without the support of and connection with the male energy. This is not because of an inherent weakness in the female energy. It is because of the essential nature of male and female energies: the fact that they are intertwined and can only fulfill their brightest potentials in cooperation. This is why it is imperative now that the male energy reshape itself and venture into the new!”

To guide us on this journey of exploring our Sacred Masculine energies… our fully aware male qualities … I look to the four masculine archetypes from the book, King Warrior Magician Lover,* written by Jungian psychoanalyst, Robert Moore and mythologist Douglas Gillette.

My purpose behind these explorations is to help us see the male energy in a fresh light and understand how it affects us on a deep level

And the way to begin is to literally welcome these Sacred Masculine qualities into your being. Allowing yourself to feel these energies flowing through your body in a conscious way is an amazing experience. You realize how much you’ve cut off half of who you are. I say this whether you feel very much at home with your male side or not.

Let’s Begin…

Obviously a man will embrace these archetypes in a different way than a woman will.

I invite you to open yourself up to the idea that because you also have masculine energy flowing in you, that you can take these qualities and see how they apply to you as a woman.

Your sacred masculine for women Lover archetype is all about a vibrant appetite for life

There’s an aliveness, a sense of gusto and playful self-expression. It’s the primal driver to satisfy our instinctual hungers for food, sex, creative expression, well-being, reproduction and giving our lives meaning.

“The Lover is the archetype of play and of ‘display,’ of healthy embodiment, of being in the world of sensuous pleasure and in one’s own body without shame. The Lover is deeply sensual – sensually aware and sensitive to the physical world in all its splendor.” **

I immediately thought of Walt Whitman and his epic poem Leaves of Grass. A grand love song to life. (And I wonder who each of us could be when we know our own body without shame.)

The Lover’s world comes alive through the senses. He feels and empathizes with the world. He wants to touch and be touched, to connect with everything around him and in that way, he sees no boundaries.

This is the world of the mystic as well. He crosses over the physical world’s barriers and enters the psychic lands merging into Oneness. 

Living close to the unconscious, the Lover is deeply in touch with his passion. Yes, part of it is sexual passion. And part of it is beyond that alone. It’s a connection to joy and pain, both his own and others … to rich textures of sight and sounds and smells and subtle nuances of colors. An utter aliveness to the divine All That Is.

When’s the last time you allowed yourself time to play full-out?

A woman in a class I’m taking shared how alive she felt splashing around the paint on her canvas for one of our assignments. She had so much fun, she spontaneously called her two kids out and they spent the afternoon finger painting! Her mind kept jumping back and forth between being in the moment of play and worrying whether one of the kids would go in the house and touch something with paint on their hands. Can you relate?

The Lover archetype is captured in the lives of artists of all kinds, of someone who stands outside conventional norms, the connoisseurs of fine things in life, as well as the psychics, and those with strong intuition.

Anytime we sense the unity of life or use our creativity to view and solve a problem we’re working on, we tap into the Lover’s well of life force energy.

A couple of thoughts to leave you with for now.

The Lover energy (for men and women) is the one most repressed in general and in particular within Western cultures and religions. The physical world is viewed as sinful, dirty, something to pass through on the way to a heaven waiting for us after death.

And even many of the new age spiritual beliefs point us in that direction. Money is bad. Power is bad. Don’t allow any negative thoughts. Only think positive. Better to mediate and get out of our body … turn our attention to a Source energy that’s viewed as more pure than our earthy selves.

I lived in that camp for a long time too.

But not any longer.

I invite you to embrace the Lover in you.




Consider Journaling the Answers to These Questions:

  • Where can you bring more of this vibrant alive energy into your life?
  • In your business or work world?
  • What are 3 ways you could play today?
  • When’s the last time you had a good belly laugh? (with tears for added bonus…)
  • Who can you connect with today that perhaps you haven’t seen or heard from in some time?
  • Who comes to mind as a role model for this beautiful masculine Lover energy is his fullness? Someone you know personally or a public figure.

I encourage you to let yourself feel this powerful life-affirming male side of yourself. Can you begin to invite it into your being?

Welcoming these qualities home to ourselves then gives us additional courage to look inward and heal the pain that’s still inside.

As C.G. Jung tells us, when we can embrace our opposite sex archetypes – our animus for women and anima for men – we come face to face with our Shadow. Integrating our Shadow opens us to our divine Self where we experience all the parts of who we are. We stop the battle we’re waging inside and align our male-female energies to work together.

Next time we’ll explore the basics of the fully expressed Magician energy.


** King, Warrior, Magician, Lover: Rediscovering the Archetypes of the Mature Masculine by Robert Moore and Douglas Gillette, 1990

Click the link if you’d like to know more about my Make Peace With Power ~ Leadership Playground. And be sure to download your free guide below: Meet Your Sacred Masculine-

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