The Power of Belief in Your Stories… and how it can shape you for lifetimes
I’ve been unconsciously trying all my life to make peace with power. In fact, I’ve been doing it for many, many lifetimes.
These past few weeks have been an amazing, deep dive into parts of my psyche I’ve never gone to before. With the help of my beautiful coach, I’m seeing my old patterns in a new light. And more importantly, thanking them and releasing them. They’ve served their purpose.
Today I’m sharing another part of my story that’s held me in its grip for literally lifetimes. My point in sharing it is to draw attention to the power of our beliefs, how they shape us and control us. Until we wake up and see that we can choose to let them go.
Last time I talked about seeing this connection between my mission to make peace in my family growing up and my Make Peace With Power program.
I really thought if I could just be a little bit “gooder” I could get my parents to stop fighting and arguing. I took my task seriously … as all you other good girls will attest to … got the A’s, followed the rules, didn’t rock any boats, was mom’s little helper. On and on. What a fricking burden that can be. (Yes, there are blessings too.)
But what I discovered in my last coaching session, just knocked my socks off.
Here comes the power part of this equation
I finally stopped punishing myself. I had no idea that’s what I’ve been doing my whole life.
You see, I equated money with power. If you have more money than meeting your basic needs, you have a certain amount of power to use that money for good or ill. If I had “a lot of money” (which I never did define), I was afraid I’d turn into this mean, nasty person who used and abused people.
Why would I think that?
This is the power of stories… the power of our beliefs … the power of energy stored and held in our bodies as truth.
Here’s my vulnerable share part of this story.
In the original sales page for the Make Peace With Power program, I finally felt brave enough to talk about living a past life as a powerful man who abused it thoroughly.
What I didn’t say is that I was a powerful man in Atlantis whose abuse of his power contributed to the downfall of that civilization. That felt way too far out there to admit publicly. In my spiritual circles it was no big deal. But bringing this into my business and the world, felt risky.
What I also understand is that many people are alive today who were part of that Atlantian culture… both ones who misused their power and ones who were on the receiving end of that abuse.
Apparently in that age, I, along with many others, got so lost in the power of our minds, we closed off our hearts and could not see the damage we were causing. It’s easy to connect many parallels to our current world. And one of the key aspects of the awakening that’s going on now is a reconciliation of both the light and dark energies still trapped in our bodies.
You don’t have to even believe in past lives for this to be true. The point is the power of beliefs and how it affects who we think we are, what we allow ourselves to experience, and how we behave towards ourselves and other people.
Back to getting my socks knocked off…
In my coaching session this week, we were talking about financial trauma. Some event in my life that affected me in a profoundly negative way. It might have been a poor business decision, or a bad investment, or trusting someone who ripped me off, a divorce or illness … these kinds of things.
I heard myself declare, “I never let myself have any money in the first place so I didn’t have any to invest or lose.” My coach stopped me right there and asked, “Did you really hear what you just said? What’s behind all that?”
On further investigation, I uncovered this very strongly held idea that if I didn’t allow myself to have any money, I couldn’t misuse it. This loud voice I heard inside me was from that past life experience. I’d been punishing myself all these years. Acting out of guilt and shame for something that had not even happened in this lifetime! I’d forbidden myself to have any money beyond the basics.
With tears of relief I could finally forgive myself and let it go. It was just an amazing experience. To see how tightly I’d been holding on to this crap. And how easy it was to set it down with the right guidance.
My point in sharing this with you, is to remind you that you are an extremely powerful being.
You have within you the capacity to play out all kinds of scenarios. You can keep beating yourself up, acting out of your unconscious drives. Or, you can shine a light on them, talk to them, bring their awareness up to your conscious self and wake up.
This is my invitation to you. Trying to do this on your own is a really long process. Not without value. But you can get there so much faster when someone is there to show you your blind spots. That’s where all the secrets are hiding.
Have a look at the details of the Make Peace With Power ~ Leadership Playground. Then get in touch. Start to explore what might be holding you back from your full power by clicking the link below for your free guide.
Women on a Mission: Meet Your Inner Partner in Creativity, Power, & Leadership