We live our life through our stories. But the question is, “Whose Story Are You Living, Anyway?”
I’m in the 2nd month of The Quest, a year-long program with Lou Reed of the Energy Medicine Institute in Australia. It’s truly a wonderful process that is so aligned with my work… using art and words and energy prompts to guide us inwards.
We follow one “Red Thread”, some part of our story that is showing up to be explored, such as procrastination. This really comes alive during coaching sessions between Lou and her assistant Christine. We see how that one “issue” we’re dealing with connects like a spider web to a thread like perfectionism and on to another one like need to control, spreading out from there.
The last session really grabbed my attention. After Christine shared something, Lou asked her, “Whose story is that?” After pausing a minute, Christine said, “My mum.”
This is a different twist on the idea that we can rewrite our own story
You’ve probably heard about the idea that we can rewrite our stories. That our life experiences are simply stories… it is not who we truly are as beings of light and energy . There are lots of programs using this as one of their tools to explore who we think we are and who we’d like to be…
Lou helped us see that anytime we feel an internal conflict, we’re actually acting out someone else’s story. Those beliefs, thoughts, and emotions that were programmed into us at a young age came from other people. We’ve identified so closely with them, we think that’s who we are. But the truth is, we are infinite possibility unbounded in space and time. Our souls do not fit so easily into the boxes and prisons we made for them.
The cool thing is, when we’re feeling some sort of tug of war inside, just stop and ask yourself, “Hmmm, whose story is this anyway?” Then pause a minute and see what comes up to your awareness. You’ll likely hear a name, or have an image come to you of some past event.
And you can see how you’re actually living out someone else’s life! You took on certain ideas, rules of life, ways to be in the world that – at this point in your life – are just not who you are any longer. You begin to see your patterns of behaving and thinking that are not even your own.
This also applies to physical pain, from a headache to chronic pain in your knee or shoulder. Ask yourself, “Whose headache is this?” You might be surprised at the answer.
These stories have an expiration date
When you realize these are not your stories, gently thank the energies / stories for all the gifts they brought you and let them go. They are not evil or out to get you. For each of those stories have an energy of their own. And for a time, you did get something out of them. But their expiration date is up. And they can continue to be of service to someone else when you send them on their way.
This is how we become responsible stewards of our own emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual integrity.
If you find yourself in a pattern loop – some argument you’ve had over and over, some behavior you keep telling yourself you need to change… these are signs that these old energies are ready to be released.
How to further explore, “Whose story are you living, anyway?”
You might need to go deeper once you know whose story you’re still playing out. Try journal writing, making some kind of art through collage, painting, or coloring and then creating a releasing ritual. These are great ways to see more of what’s behind the obvious and let go of those energies.
I love oil pastels for releasing feelings through these bold, energetic marks on the paper. You can find some music to match the emotion. Then I like to slice or tear the page into strips and burn the pieces in a conscious letting go / forgiveness ritual. Powerful magic. Try it for yourself.
If you’re ready to explore these different parts of yourself and see where you’re open to releasing your expired stories so you can claim your empowered self, click here to start a conversation with me.
What does this bring up for you? Share your thoughts below.
And be sure to check out your free guide after the comments exploring this whole topic much further… welcome your Sacred Masculine home to yourself to stand alongside your Sacred Feminine.
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Women on a Mission: Meet Your Inner Partner in Creativity, Power, & Leadership
I love the insight that certain beliefs, thoughts, and emotions were programmed into us at a young age and these came from other people. I am a borderline hypochondriac and when I pause and analyze my aches and pains they are often associated with some other person’s story. Thanks, Linda, for sharing this.