Forth or Heart Chakra ~ Center of Love, Compassion & Forgiveness
We start our chakra journey in our first or root chakra at the base of our spine. Here we learn the messages from our “tribe,” our family of origin about who we are and how we’re allowed to be in the world.
Then in the second or sacral chakra we begin to have physical sensations, feelings, needs, and desires and are aware of our sexuality.
At our third or solar plexus chakra, our power center, we step out into the world, acting on it to realize our needs and desires.
In the fourth chakra, our heart center, we come into relationship, not only with others but with ourself.
The heart chakra is the bridge between our three lower chakras, which have more to do with worldly concerns, and our upper three chakras, expressing our divine nature.
Is the Heart Chakra More Male or Female Energy?
Some say the heart chakra is a balance of both the masculine and feminine energies. Others say it’s more feminine oriented. From my own understanding and experience, I feel that in its role as a bridge between the lower and upper chakras, that it is also a passageway for both the male and female energies to meet in our heart. Opening up our heart chakra and sensing the unity there is what I believe we are all called to in this time of planetary and personal awakening.
A few years ago at the start of this phase of my inward journey…
I really didn’t think I had a wall around my heart. Still, many of the previous ideas of who I thought I was were starting to crumble.
I was sitting outside at a dance performance when this chilly breeze blew over me. It touched my skin but then something weird happened.
I could feel the breeze coming through a crack into my heart chakra inside my body! It felt like I was in a hot room with the windows closed. Someone opened the window a tiny bit and a sliver of cold air from outside hit me.
I realized that unless I had a wall up around my heart that had cracked, I wouldn’t feel a sliver of air was hitting me inside my own heart. It pierced me to the quick. Feeling this sharp breeze penetrating my innermost heart space made me smile.
For it meant I could really begin to see and release the defenses, judgments, and old pain holding up the wall between me and myself. Between me and other people and the world around me.
The heart chakra is the place of love, compassion and forgiveness for ourself and others. When it’s open, we live fully in the present moment. As soon as we judge ourselves or another, we’re out of integrity with our heart. We’re living in the past or the future.
I love this reminder from Neale Donald Walsch…
“Love is not what you want, it is what you are… If you think love is what you want, you will go searching for it all over the place. If you think love is what you are, you will go sharing it all over the place. The second approach will cause you to find what the searching will never reveal.”
What does this bring up for you? Share your thoughts below.
Are you aware of your heart chakra? Of feeling it open when you’re expansive and close up when you’re criticizing something?
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