-Your First Chakra is All About Feeling Safe
The more we begin to understand ourselves as energetic beings, the easier it is to consciously work with our energy channels. Today I want to explore your first chakra, the energy center at the base of your spine. It’s also called the root or base chakra. And in Sanskrit it’s known as Muladhara. For your first chakra, safety is the key.
It seems we’re bombarded with messages that the world is far from safe. It’s a fearful place, one where we need armies and guns and all manner of security to protect us from nature, from each other and even ourselves.
But where does that feeling really come from?
When we realize that everything we see in our external world is a reflection of our own internal one – both collectively and as an individual – the only answer has to be that the fear comes from inside of us. It’s a deep part of our human experience.
If you’ve been with me for a while, you know I often talk to parts of myself to hear their messages for me. You can easily do this too. It’s a powerful process.
In order to know what my first chakra is all about, I had a conversation with it some time ago now. I’m sharing today part of that earlier talk along with my newer awareness of how the masculine and feminine energies are associated with each of our chakras.
(The vows I mention below are decisions we make, mostly in our childhood, that have a lot of energy and power behind them.)
I asked:
Tell me more about the first chakra
1st Chakra:
“Simply put… I am the foundation for you in your life here on physically manifested mother earth.
When you come in as a baby you are deeply connected to the Source energy- you are still literally One. But the point of being here on the earth is to actually experience separation. You have to do that so you can then move back into Oneness.
I know it seems pretty strange. But this physical form is so rich with so many different kinds of experiences that it is really a blessing to be here. It may not seem like it sometimes for sure, but yes. It is a blessing.
In order for you to learn how to be here, you need a family of some kind. As a human infant you can’t do anything yourself. So you get trained. And that training becomes the fertile ground for you to experience all of your physical life.
And since you come back again and again, you get to try on all these different costumes and play with so many different models of what it is to be a human.
The family – in whatever shape and form that takes for you – ends up being your training ground for how to be a human being.
From my first chakra energy, I give you the foundation for the experiences you will have. I teach you your moral compass, your values, about everything – what and how you see yourself in the world and in relation to others – both within and outside your family.
These give you a container so to speak that you get to play in. I shape your views of who you are and how you see yourself. Well, in truth you are the one who is always choosing, but it’s my energy that is focused on these issues.
You must experience separation so you can know Oneness
The vows come in at my chakra to keep you grounded and safe. But the irony perhaps is that you must actually cut those ties in the end in order to break free of all my restraints so you know you are in fact One with All.
I’m all about loyalty. Seeing the world in a certain way. Giving you a sense of grounded foundation that you can move safely out from into the world.
It is much more difficult to move outward if you never felt grounded to begin with. You don’t have anything to break free from in other words.
So someone who never had parents or had major trauma as a young person finds it very hard to find their center. And yet in another way, the center they do find is often much stronger for that experience. They had to go deeply inside. They touched into who they are in a way that is different from someone who had a strong foundation to begin with.
First Chakra Vows
The vows here are about remaining loyal to your tribe’s values and beliefs. Or rebelling against them. Are you being a victim, feeling like the world is out to get you? Or is the world on your side? These questions are key for the first chakra healing.
If your world was not safe as a child, then you had to set up a defense system to try and keep you safe.
The first chakra is a magnet that pulls to you what you focus on … your fears … or being fully present inside your body in the here and now. It’s the last step in actually manifesting into physical form what you desire.
The final manifestation – the creation into physical form – of what you are calling to you comes through the first chakra.”
Since first exploring my chakras, I know understand that the first, third, and fifth chakras are governed by the masculine energy. As we cover those in further articles I’ll talk more about it. For now, I asked my First Chakra masculine energy what his role is in our bodies and how we can embrace this in a healthy way. Here’s what he had to say:
1st Chakra Masculine Energy:
“Let’s see how I might help you get a better picture of this and what I am here to do for you.
Because I am all about protection, safety, and survival, I am connected to the first chakra energy. When you do not feel safe, when you do not feel like you actually belong here on the earth in your body, you cannot really bring into yourself all the rich experiences that are actually possible … and not just possible but are literally WAITING FOR YOU TO RECEIVE.
If you feel afraid, you will always be in a state of tension and yes, in the fight or flight response. You are not at ease. Ease is the way to be here in this body in this life. Most of you are not at ease at all. This comes from many factors but the point is that you can learn to choose to be at ease. You can begin to understand that the stories you are telling yourself are just that… stories.
So to answer your questions… I show up in your body by you feeling grounded. You use that word a lot but what does it mean?
It means that you actually must FEEL YOUR FEELINGS INSIDE YOUR OWN BODY. They are not to be thought about or understood from your head. It’s impossible. Coming all the way down into your body and feeling the feelings that you’re experiencing moment to moment keeps you grounded inside your body.
You came here on this earth to be EMBODIED. So why not enjoy it? Allow yourself to release the pain you are holding around certain ideas or past experiences. The way to be here in your body is to move.
When you only live up in your head, you can’t really grab onto things. The energy needs to come all the way down the channel in order for you to actually experience what you’re desiring.”
Wrapping Up:
- Your first chakra is all about safety, survival, and remaining loyal to the rules and traditions of your family and culture at large (you don’t want to be kicked out of your tribe because you’ll die.)
Key Vow of first chakra:
I will remain loyal to – or I will rebel against – my family and tribe’s rules.
- Your chakras are not independent energy centers. They are all connected even though they each have a specific energy frequency, a particular level of awareness or consciousness. So they build on each other.
- The base, root or first chakra is your foundation. Your beliefs, feelings, stories you hold in the first chakra about yourself in relation to your ability to survive, to feel at home in the world, to provide for yourself, to stand up for yourself and fit in to a society all affect everything else in your life. And, all the chakras above it.
What does this bring up for you? Share your thoughts below.
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