The Make Peace With Power ~ Leadership Playground Application


Hello, it’s Linda Kaun. Thank you for filling out these brief questions so I can get to know you a little before our conversation. After submitting the form, you’ll receive an email with further information about scheduling our time to talk.

1. What part of the Make Peace With Power ~ Leadership Playground interests you most? Select one answer.

3. There is a part of me that knows I have much more to contribute to the world than I let myself.

4. I'm ambitious. Driven. I like performing to a high standard of excellence and I appreciate when others I work with do too.

5. I had success in my former or current career. But since I began my own business, I'm surprised to experience so much self-doubt and uncertainty.

6. I'm very comfortable around men. Actually I feel like I have a lot of masculine qualities myself.

7. I've been involved with women's spiritual circles, or women's empowerment in general for at least a few years.

8. The out-of-balance male values of competition, aggression, exploiting the natural world and solving problems through violence are what is wrong with the world.

10 + 9 =